i love decorating and anything that has to do with the home. but am i in my dream home? nope. far from it.
in fact the home that i just moved from is closer to my dream home stylistically. it was actually a cottage.
so why move into a 1969's multi-level with dark brown cabinets and trim?
here is why. maybe it will also inspire you.
"Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." "
Luke 9:23 (New International Version)
i have {tried} to embrace this verse in my life. to base all of my decisions and priorities with the idea that i am not my own. i will live in the house God wants me to live in. i will live in the city that God has planned for me to live.
so is a 1969's house in omaha my dream? nope. but i'll make the most of it as i strive to take up my cross and follow the lord.
will you do that too?
White Bean Salad
1 hour ago
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