here are a few of my tricks.
i usually buy one new roll of wrapping paper each year - usually at hobby lobby 1/2 price. 100 feet of heavy duty paper for $4 is way better than anything at target or walmart. i keep with simple colors. all white. brown kraft paper. red with white dots. this year i used some of my fancy scissors and cut out a second type of wrapping paper to layer.
for ribbon i use real ribbon - not the paper kind you just throw a way. every year after my family opens gifts i scavenge all of the ribbons and reuse them. year after year after year. it is cheap and it is green. plus my sister and sis in law all use the same color scheme. this year one thing i bought for embellishing gifts was some yarn. again, on sale at hl and you get like 100 yards of it {or something... it goes a long way.} this year i also found some random lace in my house to use with my gift wrap.
for gift tags in previous years i've used different basic tags from hl and embellished them with letter stamps {chocolate brown usually}. again my super creative sis and sis in law have done some cute monogrammed gift tags. my sister printed stickers on her computer and my sis in law cut out letters and glued them to the top of the gift.

this year i bought a pack of little snowflakes for $1 to add to the gift wrap and to continue with my wintery theme. other ideas? bells. pinecones. candy. greenery.
i hope this encourages you and excites you about wrapping presents. it doesn't have to be complicated. you don't have to be martha stewert. just collect a few things {including ideas!} and wrapping presents can be enjoyable!
I feel you on the REAL ribbons! And I NEVER put anything in a gift bag. Half the fun is unwrapping, right?
I know its wrong to wrap gifts from Santa(it bugs my husband to no end that I do this! ha!) BUT! I always wrap them in red and white paper and add some sort of Santa bauble, usually an ornament or little trinket I've picked up here or there: little Santa hats or boots- so that the kids know they are REALLY from him. :0)
Thanks for the ideas. I am planning on doing some more simple wrapping as well. I picked up a couple rolls of HL wrapping paper half price, but am almost out of my brown kraft paper. Cute idea with the snowflakes. I might have to borrow the idea. :)
This year I used brown paper bags for wrapping paper embellished with red or white ribbons. I have some "real" wrapping paper too but I just love the simplicity of a brown paper package : ) Your ideas are so inspiring Stacy!
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