Monday, October 5, 2009

unique organization idea

i love to have an organized house. i love baskets for blankets, toys and towels. i love jars for pennies, pencils and pins.

on the otherhand...

i hate mail. well, except for home magazines and letters from friends. i hate that you have to do stuff with that, well, stuff.

i put it in a basket. usually. then twice a year that basket gets too full and then i must file it. yuck.

so maybe i should try to use something more unique for organization of mail. i liked this idea from martha:

it could be cottagey painted a nice green or blue. then maybe distress it. i could see it in my office organizing my different projects and ideas. i could see it used at christmas time for christmas cards.

how do you stay organized?

1 comment:

Chloe m said...

Oh. My . Heck. I am loving this! You have got some great ideas going on here. yet, again, another cunning idea for all that crap that seems to accumulate with the so-called paperless society we live in.